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Computer Learning


Our internships are experimental, dream driven and custom fit, focused on skill planning and passion. We pair our mentors with students interested in working in the same field. Through the internship program, students strengthen their ability to focus on the right objectives to enable their success. No lectures or exams with 100% in-person, hands-on experience. We hold monthly check-ins, where both the mentor and mentee have the opportunity to evaluate where the mentee is at in their internship. 



Having an intern is a great opportunity to show the ropes to an aspiring student who is looking to learn from you. Not only are they gaining hands-on experience, earning school credit, and hopefully a stipend for their work, interns are excited to help you.  Interested in becoming a mentor for one of our students? Contact us and we will be happy to fit you with the right student.

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The job market is a competitive one, and often that is a tough learning curve for students facing adversity. This is a big reason behind why we are focused on the growth of our students. We set up internship opportunities for them to focus on their interests and create practical experiences in an occupation or profession of their choice. Students are able to apply the skills developed through our internship program into a professional or community setting. Interested in getting set up with an internship in your interested field? Contact us and we will be happy to fit you with the right mentor.

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